Train Travel During Pregnancy: Railway Rules & Safety Tips

Train Travel During Pregnancy

Train Travel During Pregnancy is Safe ?

Many expectant mothers wonder about the safety of train travel during pregnancy. Generally, train travel is considered safe up until the 37th week of pregnancy. It’s essential to keep in mind that babies can be born any day after 37 weeks, so it’s best to avoid traveling away from home after this stage. If you’re planning a vacation with your family, ensure that your return journey is well before you complete 37 weeks. If you’re traveling to your parents’ home for your delivery, it’s advisable to reach a few weeks before you are full term. This will give you ample time to find a good doctor and a suitable maternity hospital near your parents’ house.

For expectant mothers with pregnancy complications such as high blood pressure, diabetes, placental problems, or a previous history of premature delivery, it is crucial to seek your doctor’s approval before planning any trip.

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Best Time to Travel:

The second trimester is generally the most comfortable time for traveling by train during pregnancy. By this stage, you may have overcome the discomforts experienced during the first trimester, and your baby bump is not yet big enough to make moving around difficult or tiring.

During the first trimester, you might experience morning sickness, which can worsen with the smells and food on a train journey. Additionally, some trains have a fixed menu, limiting food options if what’s served doesn’t sit well with you.

In the third trimester, your baby bump grows rapidly, leading to some harmless but uncomfortable side effects. This can make long train journeys more challenging, as you might experience breathlessness and find climbing in and out of the train difficult. Frequent urination can also become an issue due to limited space in the train’s restrooms.

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Precautions for Traveling By Train During Pregnancy:

While train travel is generally safe during pregnancy, taking some precautions can make your journey more comfortable and safer:

  1. Arrive Early: Avoid rushing to catch a train or attempting to board a moving train. Be at the stop well in advance to find where your bogie will stop, ensuring you’re close to the door as the train halts.
  2. Avoid Crowds: Stay away from crowded areas to prevent accidental bumps to your bump or being pushed around. This will also give you enough time to climb in comfortably when boarding the train.
  3. Seek Luggage Assistance: Consider hiring a coolie (baggage porter) to help with your luggage. They are familiar with train schedules, platforms, and bogie arrival locations, and can offer protection from crowds.
  4. Secure Your Bags: Use a chain and lock to secure your luggage, reducing worries while going to the washroom or moving around the train.
  5. Carry Basic Medicines: Pack pregnancy-safe medicines for common ailments like acidity or heartburn. Also, don’t forget your vitamin supplements and medical records.
  6. Maintain Balance: When standing or walking in the train, hold onto a seat or handle for support to prevent accidents due to sudden jerks.
  7. Wear Appropriate Footwear: Opt for comfortable and sturdy footwear like sneakers or flats to maintain balance in a moving train.
  8. Stay Connected: Ensure your mobile phone is fully charged, and carry a portable power bank for charging when electricity is unavailable.
  9. Keep Medical Records Handy: Carry a copy of your medical information and your doctor’s contact number in case of emergencies.
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Food and Drink Considerations:

While most trains provide meals and bottled water, it’s essential to make arrangements for your food and water to suit your preferences while travelling by train during pregnancy. Avoid getting off the train to buy food or water, as this can lead to unnecessary rushing. Instead, carry snacks and water from home or purchase them from vendors who pass through the carriage. Raw vegetables and salads from train stations are best avoided due to the risk of contamination. Opt for cooked food or bring your snacks to satisfy your hunger.

Making Your Train Journey Comfortable:

To enhance your comfort during the train journey:

  • Sit facing the direction of travel to reduce motion sickness.
  • Consider exchanging an upper berth for a lower one to avoid climbing risks.
  • Utilize the quota for lower berths reserved for pregnant women when booking train tickets.
  • Try to book on trains with fewer stops for a quicker journey.
  • Consider centrally air-conditioned sleeper or chair car coaches for added comfort.

Remember to wear comfortable clothing, pack essentials like extra pillows or towels for support, and stay hydrated during the journey.

Travelling By Train During Pregnancy: 9 Tips & Precautions

Railway Rules For Pregnant Ladies

There is no such railway rules for pregnant ladies or pregnancy quota exists in Indian Railway. But in all train, having reserved sleeping accommodation, a combined quota of following seats has been earmarked for Senior Citizens, Female passengers of 45 years of age and above and pregnant women.

  • 06 lower berths per coach in Sleeper class
  • 3 lower berths per coach each in AC 3 tier and AC-2 tier classes
  • 3AC is 4 lower berths per coach – Rajdhani, Duronto and fully AC / Express trains
  • 3 lower berths per coach – Normal Mail/Express trains

So with a certificate from Medical officer, a pregnant woman can avail one by submitting a certificate of pregnancy signed by a licensed doctor. You can check Ladies Quota in Indian railway for more detail info.

Few Common Questions

Is it OK to travel in train during pregnancy?

This is considered safe until 36 weeks. The universal precautions mentioned above would apply while traveling by train. Choose the lower berth for you instead of the middle or upper berth in the sleeper coaches.

Is it safe to travel by train in the 1st month of pregnancy?

Travelling By Train During Pregnancy, the first trimester of pregnancy is safe if there are no complications. Generally, during this phase, symptoms like nausea, fatigue and morning sicknesses are gone. Also, the initial phase of pregnancy is not good for venture outside your home because of the hormonal changes in your body.

Which month is safe to travel during pregnancy?

When is the best time to travel during pregnancy? The best time to travel is mid-pregnancy (14 to 28 weeks). During these weeks, your energy has returned, morning sickness is improved or gone, and you are still able to get around easily. After 28 weeks, it may be harder to move around or sit for a long time.

How can a pregnant woman get lower berth in train?

Pregnant Female, Though pregnant Female need to show a certificate stating so to avail this quota. For reservation of Pregnant Female traveling alone under Lower Berth/ Sr. Citizen Quota booking facility is available only Indian Railway’s Booking Counters/Reservation Offices.

Is it safe to travel long distance in first trimester?

While regular travel like commuting to work or occasional visits to the shopping malls is not discouraged, planning a long distance trip should be done with some caution. Your doctor might advise you not to plan a long distance trip by air or road during your first trimester or the first three months of your pregnancy.

What are the risks of travelling while pregnant?

While travelling by train during pregnancy, seek medical attention immediately if you develop any of the following symptoms while travelling: persistent vomiting and/or diarrhea, dehydration, vaginal bleeding, passing tissue or clots, abdominal pain or cramps, contractions, if your water breaks, excessive leg swelling or pain, severe headaches or visual problems.


Traveling by train during pregnancy can be a safe and enjoyable experience with proper planning and precautions. Consult your doctor before planning any trip, and make arrangements to ensure your comfort and safety during the journey. By following these guidelines and taking necessary precautions, you can enjoy a smooth and worry-free train journey while pregnant.

1 thought on “Train Travel During Pregnancy: Railway Rules & Safety Tips”

  1. Pingback: Is Train Travel During Pregnancy Safe? Safety Tips & Railway Rules

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